
Virtual Private Server (VPS) on Cloud Server

Affordable Cloud VPS Hosting with the highest virtual server reliability & performance! True virtual servers built for speed.

Free Control Panel

DirectAdmin is powerful web-based hosting control panel.

DirectAdmin Tuner

Free performance & speed tuning to meet your requirement.

Dedicated IP

Protect your online reputation and meet compliance standards.

Complete Control

Root access with your choice of Linux OS.

Free SSL Encrypt

SSL certificate ensures that transmitted data is encrypted.

Scale, Upgrade, and More

Easily upgrade as you grow with more resources.

Cloud VPS 01
Cloud VPS 02
Cloud VPS 03
CPU Core Processor

1 vCore

2 vCore

4 vCore

Guaranteed Memory (RAM)

1 GB

2 GB

4 GB

SSD Cloud Storage

20 GB

25 GB

50 GB

Public IP Address (Fixed IP)

1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6

1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6

1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6

Monthly BandwidthUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Cloud Virtualization Technology




Operating System Supported




Control Panel Suppoted

DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, CyberPanel, VestaCP,  Etc.

DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, CyberPanel, VestaCP,  Etc.

DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, CyberPanel, VestaCP,  Etc.

Web Server Supported

Apache, Nginx, Litespeed, Etc.

Apache, Nginx, Litespeed, Etc.

Apache, Nginx, Litespeed, Etc.

Database Supported

MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server 

MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server 

MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server 

Backup System Supported

Daily, Weekly

Daily, Weekly

Daily, Weekly

Cloud VPS 04
Cloud VPS 05
Cloud VPS 06
CPU Core Processor

6 vCore

8 vCore

12 vCore

Guaranteed Memory (RAM)

6 GB

8 GB

16 GB

SSD Cloud Storage

100 GB

150 GB

300 GB

Public IP Address (Fixed IP)

1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6

1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6

1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6

Monthly BandwidthUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Cloud Virtualization Technology




Operating System Supported




Control Panel Suppoted

DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, CyberPanel, VestaCP,  Etc.

DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, CyberPanel, VestaCP,  Etc.

DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, CyberPanel, VestaCP,  Etc.

Web Server Supported

Apache, Nginx, Litespeed, Etc.

Apache, Nginx, Litespeed, Etc.

Apache, Nginx, Litespeed, Etc.

Database Supported

MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server 

MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server 

MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server 

Backup System Supported

Daily, Weekly

Daily, Weekly

Daily, Weekly

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